About Us


Who we are

The word Bethel means – house of God. But we’re not just a pretty building in Rochester’s downtown arts district. Bethel is YOU…where God resides. Our community is full of real people, some with gritty pasts and genuine testimonies of what God has done. We’re a safe place, where you don’t have to clean up your act before you walk in the door.

Transformations happen at Bethel, because the Holy Spirit moves freely and we expect miracles. We are a place of healing, of restoration, and forgiveness. You can find HOPE here – you just have to come home.


The bigger picture

We at Bethel recognize that we are a part of a larger, regional body of followers of Jesus Christ – The Church, who can work and pray in unity to effect change in Rochester and Western New York.

We are a Five-Fold Ministry equipping and Apostolic center, which means that Bethel operates as a hub in our region. We often send out and/or lend ministry teams, worship leaders and musicians, teachers, etc. to other ministries in support of their ministry and communities. People from many different churches attend our BMEC classes, which give Biblical instruction on how every believer is to operate in the five ministry gifts.


Lifenet Apostolic Network

LAN was created by Apostle Ron A. Domina as a way to network churches and ministries with the purpose of extending the influence of God’s Kingdom, and to counsel and assist those who desire to move into an apostolic paradigm as outlined in Ephesians 4:11.