What We Believe
+ The Bible
It is God’s Word, written by the Holy Spirit through men; a written testament of His love, His story, and His plan for each of us
Shows us what is truth, how to live by it, and the life worth living
+ God Himself
There is one, living God and He created all things
He was real, is real, and will be real forever; He is eternal
He exists in three distinct persons (the Trinity): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
+ Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the God-man, truly God AND truly man
His supernatural birth was brought about by the Holy Spirit overshadowing a virgin named Mary
As He grew, He was faced with many temptations, just like you and me, but never sinned
He performed many miracles
He willingly gave His life, to die upon a cross, for the sake of cancelling our debt of sin
His blood sacrifice, according to God’s law, was the only means by which our debt could be paid
On the third day He physically rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven, taking His place beside Father God
One day He will return to earth in power and glory
+ We Believe
That everyone is guilty of sin
To avoid eternal separation from God (Hell, a place created for Satan and his demons) we need to receive His gift of salvation through faith in the shed blood of Jesus
The Holy Spirit came to earth when Jesus went to heaven
The Holy Spirit (third person in the Trinity) lives in the hearts of those who ask Him
Those who believe Jesus is the son of God, and the second person of the Trinity, are saved from eternal separation and may enter eternal life with God
It is the mission of the church to go to all the world and make disciples of all nations