Adult Ministries

Find your place at Bethel by connecting with an adult ministry. Our main objective is to equip you to become a minister - to minister in your sphere of influence.

Learn about the culture at Bethel by watching a series of videos - CLICK HERE. If you call Bethel your church home, consider membership.

We also encourage you to take advantage of what we offer weekly. These are opportunities to strengthen the gifts God has given you, for you to grow in your knowledge of Him, and to connect with other Bethelites.

Want to experience more of Bethel? Look at our Events Page. Introduce yourself to our DISTRICT PASTORS and see who lives in your community. Wondering about individual ministries? See below. We’d love to get to know YOU!


Bethels 55+ community are God’s Essential & Mature Saints (G.E.M.S.)! Fellowship with others at our monthly luncheon - where it’s different every time. We meet the THIRD TUESDAY at 11:30am in The Link (across from Bethel’s admin building, 14 Anson Place), September - June. Lunch is free, so you MUST register by the second Sunday of the month by email, or text / call 585-615-7908. Donations are appreciated.

Healing Company

Open to both members and non-members of Bethel, we are a company of believers trained in the ministry of healing who are willing to minister to people at the end of our Sunday service, at your home, the hospital, in our Healing Room - wherever. To reach the Healing Company for prayer, email:, call the church at 585-232-1136 and leave a message, or look to see when our Healing Rooms are open.

Our HEALING ROOMS are available for you to come and be prayed for, and receive God’s healing for your body and emotions. Receive personal and confidential ministry from a team trained and skilled in the Word of God. Jesus has already made provision for all that you need by grace through faith! Click HERE for the schedule.

And if you have a testimony of how God touched you, (in your body, soul, or spirit), please SHARE YOUR STORY with us.


Women desire healthy relationships with other women, but it can be hard to connect with our busy lives. Click HERE for upcoming events, or consider connecting with your District Pastor. Ladies’ events happen quarterly.

If you’d like to contact our Women’s Ministry Committee, email


A Nursing Mothers Room is available during our Sunday morning services. Ask an usher to direct you. We also invite families to go to the Courtyard Room during the service for those who prefer to stay together. Bring some toys, crayons, and enjoy the space for your wiggly ones. In BOTH rooms the service is streamed on large TV’s so you don’t miss anything.


Men have been given an awesome responsibility. At Bethel we feel it’s important as men to “Unite, Equip, Serve” and be the leaders we are called to be in our families, communities & places of work. Connect with your District Pastor to see what’s going on in your community, OR come to the Men’s Bible Study at 5:45am in The Link - every Wednesday.

Prophetic Ministry

Pure Streams is Bethel Christian Fellowship’s Prophetic Ministry which provides personal prophecy, words of comfort, edification and exhortation in accordance with the Scriptures found in I Corinthians 14:3.

Pure Streams offers personal prophecy to individuals and married couples. Our Ministers are trained, have pursued the prophetic gifts, and are excited to bring hope, life, and encouragement to those they minister to. God loves to inspire His kids like the loving Father He is. To participate, sign up near the sound booth in the sanctuary on the last Sunday of the month, before or immediately after that service. Then go right to the Courtyard Room (in the sanctuary, near the Missions display). To connect with Pure Streams, email


Our desire and Call is to equip the Saints (YOU) for the ministry of the Gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ, his redemptive power, and his desire to have an intimate relationship with YOU). With this mandate, throughout the year we offer Small Groups, classes, and other opportunities for you to grow in your Christian walk and with other Bethelites. Visit our Weekly Page or email for more information.


Bethel Inner Healing (SOZO) Ministry - Trained team members facilitate this unique experience for individuals to receive healing, enabling them to walk in the destiny to which they have been called. Bethel Inner Healing (SOZO) Ministry is not counseling or therapy. It is based on biblical principles and prayer where team members empower individuals to hear directly from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For more info, contact To fill out a Ministry Request Form, click HERE.

Worship Team

Passion. Excellence. Community: A Different Approach to “Church Music”

Our worship band does more than play on a Sunday morning. It takes a community. Email if you are interested in joining our team.

Young Adults

Our Young Adult group are age 18 – 30. They gather for workshops, bible studies, social events and more. Check out our Events Page or reach out at