Media Request
Promotion/Announcement Request - Bulletin, etc.
Interested in promoting your event at Bethel?
REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED 6 WEEKS BEFORE your event - allowing us time to create what you need and 3 weeks to publicize your event.
If you haven't yet completed a Facility Use request form, return to http://bethelcf.com/forms and fill out that form first. If your event is online or one that happens off-site, we may contact you if there’s a conflict in the calendar.
If you've submitted your request, but haven't yet been given confirmation that your event was approved, feel free to complete this form with the understanding that your event may not be approved.
Bethel reserves the right to decide which announcements should be promoted to its congregation. Verbal announcements are in the discretion of Leadership regardless of the request.
Bethel also reserves the right to approve any artwork that is submitted. Please note that with Bethel ministries, all promo is done in-house, yet we are willing to collaborate with you.
Also, it is suggested that BEFORE you submit the form, that you click "‘CONTROL-P’ to print out this form for your records.
After you fill this out in its entirety, hit "SEND" at the end. Thank you.