First Name
Last Name
Which Bethel Ministry is requesting this event?
Who is this event for?
All Bethel attenders
A specific segment of Bethel attenders*
The general public (outreach)
Our ministry folks only - we will invite and promote internally
Our ministry folks only - we would like help getting the word out
A special (privately) invited group
If you selected "A specific segment of Bethel attenders" above, please explain:
Select one
This is a ONE TIME event
This is a WEEKLY event
This is a BI-WEEKLY event
This is a MONTHLY event
This is a QUARTERLY event
If this is a QUARTERLY event, or OTHER, note the dates you are requesting
What is your preferred date for this event?
What day of the week?
What is an alternate date for this event?
What day of the week?
What time will your event START?
What time will your event END?
What time will you ARRIVE to set up?
What time do you plan to LEAVE (after cleaning up)?
Will there be a rehearsal?
What date would you like your rehearsal?
Please note: No rehearsals on Tuesdays or Sundays
What day of the week?
What time will your rehearsal START?
What time will the rehearsal END?
Please exit the building within 30 min of end time
If this is an outdoor event, what will happen if it rains?
The event will go on, even if it rains = "Rain or Shine"
We will choose alternate Rain Date and notify the Facility Coordinator of our new date
We will host the event inside of Bethel, and will request the Room on THIS form as Plan B
We will host it elsewhere
We will cancel
How many people are you expecting to attend?
Please select ALL the areas that you are requesting access to for your event
Cafe Aviv Gallery (Rm 419) - Capacity 50 - This space has a sound system, and can play either from your phone/ipod or CD's. A screen and projector can be set up, but you MUST bring your own laptop.
The Link (fellowship hall) - Capacity 175 with tables & chairs; 220 lecture seating - This room has a projector, screen, TV w/cart, max. 4 microphones.
The Link Kitchen (for meal prep) - Must receive permission from OPS Team
Main Sanctuary (Rm 422) - Capacity 1200 - Tech volunteers needed: 3-15 depending on needs
Green Room (Rm 413) - Capacity 10
Historic Sanctuary (Rm 423) - Capacity 600 - Tech volunteers needed: 1-2
Aviv Study (Rm 424) - Capacity 15
Courtyard Room (Rm 416) - Capacity 50 - This room has a TV, but you will need to bring your own 6'-9' HDMI cable and Laptop to use it.
Noah's Ark Rooms
Room 501 - Capacity 50 - This room has a projector, screen, and speakers for PowerPoint/Video presentations BUT you must bring your own LAPTOP with VGA connection (rectangular slot with 3 rows of little holes)
Room 502 - Capacity 48
Large Conference (Rm 503) - Capacity 12 - This room has a projector and speakers, you must provide your own laptop.
Small Conference (Rm 510) - Capacity 8 - This room has a projector, you must provide your own laptop.
Other (please add to the Comment Section the space you'd like to use)
Do you need a podium?
(If you select "NO" then a podium will be moved aside even if the room set-up you choose shows a podium in place)
Do you need a registration table?
If you are reserving THE LINK, which layout do you want?
Round Tables with Chairs & 2 Tables for food
Round Tables with Chairs
Rectangular Tables with Chairs, classroom style
Chairs facing stage, classroom style
Long tables in front of stage w/chairs classroom style facing tables (Townhall mtg)
Chairs in a large circle
Custom - Please draw your plan out on paper and present to Facilities Coordinator
If you are reserving ROOM 501, which layout do you want?
The default set up for Room 501 is #1. This room always has a podium. If not needed, just set it aside.
Round Tables with Chairs + 2 Tables in the back for food
Round Tables with Chairs
Rectangular Tables with Chairs, classroom style
Chairs facing the screen, classroom style
Chairs in a large circle
Custom - Please draw your plan out on paper and present to Facilities Coordinator
If you are reserving The GALLERY, which layout do you want?
As-is with 2 tables against the wall INSIDE the Gallery for food
As-is with 2 tables OUTSIDE the Gallery for food
If you need CUSTOM set up for The Link or The Gallery, explain here Please tell us how many CHAIRS, ROUND tables, and/or RECTANGULAR tables are needed, where they're to be set up, etc. OR submit a separate plan drawn out on a piece of paper.
Will food be served at this event?
Note: Food can only be served in the Cafe Gallery, Room 501, the Link & the Green Room
Yes - Prepackaged Food (cheese, chips, crackers)
Yes - full licensed caterer/pizza
Yes - we'll bring our own food and ONLY serve it to Bethelites. (NOT an option if people outside of Bethel are at the event)
No - no food will not be served
Will you need to use Bethel's paper goods and consumables? * i.e. Paper plates, bowls, napkins, cups, utensils, tablecloths
Yes, we will use what is available
Will your event require worship/musicians or ANY music?
If you are having live music at your event, a Sound Technician is needed as well as communication with Bethel's Worship & Technical Director. This communication and a list of musicians is required at least two weeks prior to the event.
Bethel's Tech Director will be in touch with you.
Yes - I need to coordinate with Bethel's worship team.
Yes - I'm coordinating my own musicians.
Yes - I will have music at the event using a laptop/phone
No - there will be NO LIVE MUSIC at this event at all.
There is no music but MICROPHONES ARE NEEDED because I have at least one Speaker
How many mics are needed?
Will your event need anything projected on screens?
(i.e. - lyrics, PowerPoint, video, screen-share, etc) Check ALL that apply) Please note that this information is REQUIRED TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT.
In the event that there are any changes to this original request or information communicated on this form, email ASAP.
Lyrics for Worship (Additional fees may apply. See Tech Director for details.)
PowerPoint for Speaker (Please save as ppt, not pptx or pps if providing the file to be used on Bethel computers)
Video from DVD
Video from Internet
I Need A TV, and I Will Use My Own Laptop.
NO - I will not need any visuals/projections.
Notes About Worship and/or Technical Needs
Use this space to include any additional questions you may have, or to provide information you think we will need.
Will your event require Parking Attendants/Security?
Volunteers are scheduled a month in advance, please consider your decision carefully.
Is there any other information, comments, or notes you'd like to share?
Will you need an announcement/slide made?
This will save a slot for when your event will be announced. You MUST fill out the Promotion Request Form in order for your announcement/slide to actually be made.
Should this event be added to the public Bethel Calendar that is posted on our website?
This will be of the discretion of the Management Team