“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” II Corinthians 1:20

Intro:  As we begin this new year of 2025 (Hebrew year 5785), the Lord has spoken through His prophets that we have entered a year of great grace and open doors. We have before us a window of opportune time for Kingdom of God expansion and harvest; all this in the midst of a world filled with darkness, chaos and war. We are in a war season, but it is time for advancement, not retreat.

God goes before us and angel armies are with us to secure the victories that the Lord has planned.  Alignment with Jesus, empowered by His Spirit, and faith in His Word will bring the triumph.

Brief Instructions for the Fast: 

The most important aspect of this 21-Day Fast is to sit quietly with the Lord every day, and meditate on all that He shows you as you read the daily portions of Scripture listed.  It will be helpful to journal or take notes as the Lord brings people, situations or promises to mind; things to pray about; questions you have.  Expect to hear His Spirit speaking, and do whatever He shows you to do.  Not only will you develop a closer relationship with the Lord, but you will be transformed as you yield to His promptings.

Daily Reading Schedule: